We engage business owners, plan sponsors and plan trustees to help design, implement and manage their company’s 401(k) / profit sharing retirement plans, ensuring each plan is optimally positioned for the changing workforce while maintaining ERISA compliance. We provide our retirement plan clients with the following services:
ERISA Compliance Audit: We review the plan documents, operating procedures, investments, and employee education to ensure compliance with applicable law and statutes.
Review Plan Design: We review the plan design to ensure it is consistent with the plan sponsor’s goals while balancing long-term retirement objectives and near-term tax benefits.
Employee Education Sessions: We meet with employees regarding the purpose, design, and options of a 401(k) plan.
Employee Enrollment: We hold new employee enrollment meetings as often as needed. These meetings can be used as an extension of the employee education program for previously enrolled participants.
Plan Sponsor Interface: We develop an investment policy statement, prepare periodic investment lineup reports for the plan sponsor or retirement plan committee, and monitor and oversee the investment selection.
Plan Custodian and Third Party Administrator (TPA) Interface: We ensure the plan operates seamlessly for the benefit of the participants.
Plan Auditors Interface: We work closely with plan auditors to ensure a timely, accurate, and cost effective review.